
Quarterly Meetings 2023

  • March 14 (Tuesday)
  • June 8 (Thursday)
  • September 12 (Tuesday)
  • December 14 (Thursday)
    7:00 pm

Local Lodge meetings form the roots of our organization. From them come the views and desires of our members, which guide Local Lodge, General Committee, and Grand Lodge Officers in formulating policies for the betterment of working conditions. Further, all Local Lodges have their own problems, such as grievances and maintaining a strong attendance at meetings. Hardly an event can take place at a meeting that does not affect every member in the Local Lodge. Those who fail to attend not only run the danger of missing out on decisions directly affecting themselves, they also retard the broader aims of the organization to improve the working conditions of all members. Just as governments are strong in proportion to the interest and support of their peoples, so do labor organizations progress according to the will of their members to give all their support to the most important activity of their organization... which is the Local Lodge meeting.

Suggestions and comments are always welcomed and encouraged.